Mešihat Islamske zajednice osnovan je za područje Sandžaka na Konstituirajućem Saboru 30. oktobra 1993. godine, a na Objediniteljskom Saboru 27. marta 2007. godine preimenovan je u Mešihat Islamske zajednice u Srbiji sa četiri muftijastva. Mešihat je najviši vjerski i administrativni organ Islamske zajednice. Sastoji se od predsjednika i 14 članova. Predsjednik Mešihata od januara 2014. godine je muftija dr. Mevlud ef. Dudić, koji je ovu funkciju preuzeo od muftije Muamer ef. Zukorlića koji je bio na čelu Mešihata od njegovog osnivanja. Područje djelovanja Mešihata je: organizacija vjerskog života, mearifski poslovi, izgradnja i održavanje objekata Islamske zajednice, saradnja sa islamskim organizacijama i ustanovama u svijetu, administrativno-pravni poslovi, privredno-finansijski poslovi i organizacija i rad organa i ustanova Islamske zajednice u dijaspori. Sabor je najviši predstavnički i zakonodavni organ Islamske zajednice. Čine ga predstavnici svih medžlisa po muftijstvima i ima 52 člana. Predsjednik Sabora od oktobra 2016. godine je Hajro ef. Tutić. Područje djelovanja Sabora je: donosi Ustav Islamske zajednice i druge opće propise, raspravlja i odlučuje o svim poslovima Islamske zajednice, određuje smjernice za sve organe Islamske zajednice, učestvuje u izboru predsjednika Mešihata u izbornom tijelu, bira i razrješava članove Mešihata, imenuje i razrješava muftije, osniva ustanove i institucije Islamske zajednice i donosi propise o njihovom radu, donosi finansijski plan i odobrava završni račun Mešihata, donosi propise o upravljanju vakufima, razmatra i odobrava izvještaj Mešihata o njegovom radu, imenuje stalne i povremene komisije, imenuje disciplinsko vijeće. Muftijstva su područne organizacione jedinice Islamske zajednice. Na području Islamske zajednice postoje: Muftijstvo sandžačko za područje Sandžaka sa sjedištem u Novom Pazaru, Muftijstvo preševsko za područje Preševske doline sa sjedištem u Preševu, Muftijstvo beogradsko za područje Centralne Srbije sa sjedištem u Beogradu i Muftijstvo novosadsko za područje Vojvodine sa sjedištem u Novom Sadu. Organi muftijstva su: muftija, Savjet za vjerska pitanja koji čine glavni imami i rukovodioci vjersko-prosvjetnih ustanova i Savjet za administrativna pitanja koji čine predsjednici medžlisa i rukovodioci drugih ustanova i udruženja na području muftijstva. Medžlisi su organizacione jedinice Islamske zajednice koji obuhvataju, po pravilu, najmanje pet džemata povezanih u cjelinu, sa izuzetkom medžlisa na području Muftijstva beogradsko-novosadskog sa manjim brojem džemata. Organi medžlisa su: Skupština medžlisa koju čine izabrani zastupnici džemata i Odbor medžlisa kao izvršni organ na čelu sa predsjednikom Odbora medžlisa, čiji je član i glavni imam po položaju. Džemati su osnovne organizacione jedinice Islamske zajednice i čini ih, po pravilu, najmanje 100 muslimanskih domaćinstava koja žive na jednom području, sa izuzetkom medžlisa na području Muftijstva beogradsko-novosadskog sa manjim brojem domaćinstava. Organi džemata su Skupština džemata koju čine članovi tog džemata i Džematski odbor na čelu sa predsjednikom, čiji je član i džematski imam po položaju. Ustanove Islamske zajednice: – Fakultet za islamske studije – – Medresa „Gazi Isa-beg“ – direktor hfz. Adnan ef. Dupljak – Dječije ustanove „Reuda i Wildan“ – upravnica Elvira Mekić – Škola Kur'ana Časnog – direktor hfz. Irfan ef. Malić – Izdavačka ustanova „El-Kelimeh“ – direktor Malik ef. Nurović – Media centar – direktor Salahudin Fetić – Centar za humanitarni rad „Hajrat“ – direktor Mirsad ef. Bećirović – Agencija za sertificiranje halal kvaliteta – direktor dr. Enver ef. Gicić – Islamski kulturni centar „Altun alem“ – rukovodilac akademik Fatmir Bači – Vakufska direkcija – muftija hfz. Abdurahman ef. Kujević Udruženja Islamske zajednice: – Udruženje žena „Merjem“ – rukovodilac Meliha Preljević – Muslimanski omladinski klub – koordinator Ammar ef. Nuhambašić Službe Mešihata: – Vjersko-prosvjetna služba – rukovodilac muftija dr. Rešad ef. Plojović – Administrativna služba – generalni sekretar Samir Škrijelj – Pravna služba – rukovodilac Fahir Hamzagić – Finansijska služba – blagajnik Ertan Fetahović ABOUT MEŠIHAT The Mešihat of the Islamic Community was established for the Sandžak region during the Constituent Assembly on October 30, 1993, and was renamed the Mešihat of the Islamic Community in Serbia with four mufti's offices during the Unification Assembly on March 27, 2007. The Mešihat is the highest religious and administrative body of the Islamic Community. It consists of a president and 14 members. Since January 2014, Dr. Mevlud eff. Dudić has served as the President of the Mešihat, succeeding Mufti Muamer eff. Zukorlić, who led the Mešihat since its establishment. The Mešihat's area of activity includes organizing religious life, educational affairs, constructing and maintaining Islamic Community facilities, collaborating with Islamic organizations and institutions worldwide, administrative-legal affairs, economic and financial matters, and organizing and operating Islamic Community organs and institutions in the diaspora. The Assembly is the highest representative and legislative body of the Islamic Community, consisting of representatives from all medžlisas per mufti's office and totaling 52 members. Since October 2016, Hajro eff. Tutić has served as the Assembly's President. The Assembly's scope of activity includes adopting the Constitution of the Islamic Community and other general regulations, deliberating and deciding on all matters of the Islamic Community, determining guidelines for all Islamic Community organs, participating in the election of the Mešihat president, electing and dismissing Mešihat members, appointing and dismissing muftis, establishing Islamic Community institutions and organizations and setting regulations for their operation, adopting financial plans and approving the Mešihat's final account, setting regulations for managing waqfs, reviewing and approving the Mešihat's report on its activities, appointing permanent and ad hoc commissions, and appointing a disciplinary council. The mufti's offices are regional organizational units of the Islamic Community. Within the Islamic Community, there are: the Sandžak Mufti's Office for the Sandžak region based in Novi Pazar, the Preševo Mufti's Office for the Preševo Valley region based in Preševo, the Belgrade Mufti's Office for Central Serbia based in Belgrade, and the Novi Sad Mufti's Office for the Vojvodina region based in Novi Sad. The mufti's office bodies include the mufti, the Council for Religious Affairs comprised of chief imams and heads of religious-educational institutions, and the Council for Administrative Affairs comprised of medžlis presidents and heads of other institutions and associations within the mufti's office area. Medžlises are organizational units of the Islamic Community, usually comprising at least five connected jamaats, with the exception of medžlisas in the Belgrade-Novi Sad Mufti's Office area, which may have fewer jamaats. Medžlisas’ organs include the Assembly of the Medžlis comprised of elected representatives from jamaats and the Medžlis Board as the executive body led by the President of the Medžlis Board, who also serves as the chief imam by position. Jamaats are the basic organizational units of the Islamic Community, usually consisting of at least 100 Muslim households residing in one area, with the exception of jamaats in the Belgrade-Novi Sad Mufti's Office area, which may have fewer households. Jamaats’ organs include the Jamaat Assembly comprised of members of that jamaat and the Jamaat Board led by the president, who also serves as the jamaat's imam by position. Institutions of the Islamic Community: Faculty of Islamic Studies – Dean: dr. Enver Omerović Gazi Isa-beg Medresa – Director: Hfz. Adnan ef. Dupljak Children's Institutions “Reuda and Wildan” – Manager: Elvira Mekić School of the Noble Qur'an – Director: Hfz. Irfan ef. Malić Publishing Institution “El-Kelimeh” – Director: Malik ef. Nurović Media Center – Director: Salahudin Fetić Center for Humanitarian Work “Hajrat” – Director: Mirsad ef. Bećirović Halal Quality Certification Agency – Director: Dr. Enver ef. Gicić Islamic Cultural Center “Altun Alem” – Manager: Academician Fatmir Bači Waqf Directorate – Mufti Hfz. Abdurahman ef. Kujević Associations of the Islamic Community: Women's Association “Merjem” – Leader: Meliha Preljević Muslim Youth Club – Coordinator: Ammar eff. Nuhambašić Mešihat Services: Religious-Educational Service – Manager: Mufti Dr. Rešad eff. Plojović Administrative Service – General Secretary: Samir Škrijelj Legal Service – Manager: Fahir Hamzagić Financial Service – Treasurer: Ertan Fetahović